Yabasic runs under any modern version of Windows, from Windows XP to Windows 10. For Windows XP however, you will probably need to download the zipfile, see below; for later versions of Windows, this is how to install:
The setup-program does the following:
To remove yabasic, go to the control-panel and click on the software-icon: You will find an entry for deleting yabasic.
If anything goes wrong please send me a mail: mail@yabasic.de
For Windows XP you may install yabasic from its zip-file:
To remove yabasic, go to the control-panel and click on the software-icon: You will find an entry for deleting yabasic.
This is how to download and install the binary linux-i586-package of yabasic for:
For redhat-based systems (e.g. fedora, redhat, suse, centos) you need the rpm package (see below).
For debian-based systems (e.g. ubuntu, debian) you need the deb package (see below).
To remove yabasic type sudo rpm -e yabasic or sudo dpkg --remove yabasic.
If you have any problems, please send me a mail: mail@yabasic.de.
Compiling yabasic requires a C-Compiler (typically gcc) as well as the libraries and header-files for ncurses and x11 (typically named ncurses, ncurses-devel and xorg-x11-devel). To compile yabasic in your home-directory proceed like this:
Yabasic compiles under HPux, Solaris and linux, but chances are high, that users of other mainstream Unixes will have no problems. If anything goes wrong please send me a mail: mail@yabasic.de, including:
Then I will try to find and fix the problem.
If you'd like to get the Windows specific files (including the sources of the installation program), you may checkout the git-repository as described below.
If you would like to modify yabasic for your own needs or add patches to its sources, you should clone its git-repository at github.